
CulebrONT requires Python 3.7+, Snakemake 5.10.0+ and graphviz 2.40.1+.

CulebrONT has been mostly developed to work on an HPC but a local installation is also possible.

If you want to install CulebrONT in a local machine, please install Docker

If you want to install CulebrONT in a HPC machine, please install cookiecutter

Steps for LOCAL installation

CulebrONT and dependencies and also every tool used to create a pipeline are available through a Docker Virtual Machine. To install CulebrONT on local mode please follow this steps:

1. Pull the build docker virtual machine and obtain test dataset

First get the necessary distant files for installation of the CulebrONT Docker container and the test dataset. Note that this may take quite a while (several minutes to hours) depending on your internet speed. This docker container takes 7.79 GB of disk space.

# Create a working dir where input data and output will be written
mkdir ${test_dir}

# Use it as a working directory
cd ${test_dir}

# Pull the docker container for CulebrONT
docker pull julieaorjuela/culebront-docker:latest

# Get the test data set OR put inside your data
wget --no-check-certificat -rm -nH --cut-dirs=1 --reject="index.html*" --no-parent

Now let’s run a test run with the provided dataset inside the docker container.

2. Run the docker container

Run the CulebrONT docker container. Docker -v option allows you mount a repertory from your local machine into the container. You need mount your local test_dir inside the Docker container. For more details about docker follow this documentation

docker run -i -t --privileged -e "test_dir=$test_dir" -v $test_dir:$test_dir julieaorjuela/culebront-docker:lastest

You now have the container prompt in the terminal. You are inside the Docker container!

3. Create a pipeline using the config.yaml file

Adapt config.yaml file. See How to create a workflow for further details. It can be copied from CulebrONT repository (found inside Docker VM). Modify file access if you want to edit it from outside the container.

# Go in your working dir
cd $test_dir
# cp le config.yaml file in workdir
cp /usr/local/CulebrONT_pipeline/config.yaml .
# change access
chmod 777 config.yaml

4. Use a dataset to test CulebrONT install

Using a standard Snakemake command line (local)

Run CulebrONT with a standard snakemake command like …

snakemake -p -s ${CULEBRONT}/Snakefile \
  --configfile config.yaml \
  --use-singularity --singularity-args "--bind $test_dir" \
# ... for a dryrun

Or for an actual run to start with the downloaded test data and the specified config file. Set the value of --cores considering the capabilities of your machine

snakemake -p -s ${CULEBRONT}/Snakefile \
  --configfile config.yaml \
  --cores 6 \
  --use-singularity --singularity-args "--bind $test_dir"

If you want to change the number of cores or threads on a rule basis. Use the snakemake --set-threads arguments like:

snakemake -p -s ${CULEBRONT}/Snakefile \
  --configfile Config.yaml \
  --cores 6 \
  --set-threads run_flye=4 \
  --use-singularity --singularity-args "--bind $test_dir"

For more options go to the snakemake documentation

A list of rules names can be found in the section Rules inside CulebrONT.


Local install must to use Singularity. The use of Singularity is constraint with the use the –use-singularity parameter in the snakemake command line. Bind mount disks to singularity environment by using --singularity-args '--bind $YOURMOUNTDISK'. It allows to detect others disk inside of the singularity container. Mount could be $HOME or another disk path. In the CulebrONT Docker virtual machine you need to put same mount path of the Docker one witch is $test_dir.

Or using a script (local)

Optionally, you can run CulebrONT using the script. A nutshell, this script is just assembling a snakemake command line depending on the situation of the user. It can be expense of flexibility.

## For example in *dryrun* mode -c config.yaml -a "--dryrun"

# or using maximum 8 threads -c config.yaml -a "--cores 8 "

# or using 6 threads to Canu from the 8 in total -c config.yaml -a "--cores 8 --set-threads run_canu=6"

Steps for HPC installation

CulebrONT has been mostly developed to work on an HPC. Let’s see how to install it on HPC.

As CulebrONT uses many tools, you must install them through two possibilities. You need to chose one of them !

  1. Either through the Singularity 3.10.0+ containers,
  2. Or using the module load mode,

Let’s check steps for HPC installation :

First of all clone our repository or download last version from and go inside our repository. You can download CulebrONT where you want to install it, compilation step is not needed.

git clone
cd CulebrONT_pipeline

1. Adapt the file tools_path.yaml - in YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) - format to indicate to CulebrONT where the tools are installed. See the section 1. How to configure tools_path.yaml for details.

2. Adapt the cluster_config.yaml file to manage cluster resources such as partition, memory and threads available for each job. See the section 2. Preparing cluster_config.yaml for further details.

3. Create a snakemake profile to configure cluster options. See the section 3. Snakemake profiles for details.

4. Create a CulebrONT module file. See the section 4. Export CulebrONT to PATH for details.

5. Test CulebrONT install (Optional but recommended) using an available dataset. See the section 5. Check install for details.

1. How to configure tools_path.yaml

In the tools_path.yaml file, you can find two sections: SINGULARITY and ENVMODULES. You have to chose and fill in one of them. Please don’t comment the second one!.

1. Use only SINGULARITY containers. In this case, fill only this section. Put the path to the builded singularity images. Absolute paths are strongly recommended but not mandatory. See the section ‘How to build singularity images’ for further details.

    REPORT : '/path/to/Containers/'
    TOOLS : '/path/to/Containers/Singularity.culebront_tools.sif'


The use of SINGULARITY is constraint with the use the –use-singularity parameter in the snakemake command line.

  1. Use only ENVMODULES. In this case, fill this section with modules available on your cluster (here is an example):
    R : "bioinfo/R/4.0.2"
    QUAST : "bioinfo/quast/5.0.2"
    MAUVE : "bioinfo/mauve/2.4.0"
    SHASTA : "bioinfo/shasta/0.1.0"
    ASSEMBLYTICS : "bioinfo/Assemblytics/1.0"
    MEDAKA : "bioinfo/medaka-gpu/0.10.0"

CulebrONT needs a wide set of R modules for reporting, if you use ENVMODULE R. Just have a look at dependencies in the Containers/ file. Yes, plenty of packages!! That’s why we provide build singularity containers ready to use and recommend them for the R part.


TIP !! We provide a singularity container for R packages (, you can use this one to create a module environment.


The use of ENVMODULE is constraint with the use the –use-envmodules parameter in the snakemake command line. More details can be found here:

How to build singularity images

You can obtain singularity builded images in two ways. Choose one of them (but option 1 is better).

1. Download already builded available singularity images from our i-Trop server It can be long if your internet connexion is bad. Do not forget it stakes hard drive space!

cd CulebrONT_pipeline/Containers
wget --no-check-certificate -rm -nH --cut-dirs=2 --reject="index.html*" --no-parent
  1. You can build your own image using the available .def recipes from the CulebrONT_pipeline/Containers directory.


Be careful, you need root rights to build singularity images

cd CulebrONT_pipeline/Containers/
sudo make build

2. Preparing cluster_config.yaml

In the cluster_config.yaml file, you can add partition, memory and threads to be used by default or specifically for each rule/tool.


If more memory or threads are requested, please adapt the content of this file before running on your cluster.

Here is a example of the configuration file we used on our i-Trop HPC.

A list of rules names can be found in the section Rules inside CulebrONT


Please give to cluster_config.yaml specific parameters to rules get_versions and rule_graph without using wildcards into log files.

3. Snakemake profiles

The Snakemake-profiles project is an open effort to create configuration profiles allowing to execute Snakemake in various computing environments (job scheduling systems as Slurm, SGE, Grid middleware, or cloud computing), and available at

In order to run CulebrONT on HPC cluster, we strongly recommended to use profiles.

Quickly, here is an example of the Snakemake SLURM profile we use for the French national bioinformatics infrastructure at IFB. We followed the documentation found here

$ mkdir CulebrONT_pipeline/profiles
$ cd CulebrONT_pipeline/profiles
$ cookiecutter
profile_name [slurm]: CulebrONT
sbatch_defaults []: --export=ALL --job-name={rule}
cluster_config []: /path/to/CulebrONT_pipeline/cluster_config.yaml
Select advanced_argument_conversion:
1 - no
2 - yes
Choose from 1, 2 [1]: 1
cluster_name []:

Now, your basic profile is created. To finalize it, change the CulebrONT_pipeline/profiles/CulebrONT/config.yaml of profile to :

restart-times: 0
jobscript: ""
cluster: ""
cluster-status: ""
jobs: 200                   # edit to limit number jobs submit
max-jobs-per-second: 1
max-status-checks-per-second: 10
latency-wait: 6000
use-singularity: True       # if False, please install all R package on tools_config.yaml ENVMODULE/R
use-envmodules: True        # Adapt True/False
rerun-incomplete: True
printshellcmds: True

Please take care to put “True” to use-singularity and “False” to module-env if you have decided to use CulebrONT dependencies from the singularity image. Inversely, put “False” to use-singularity and “True” to use-envmodules if you have decided to use CulebrONT dependencies from the module environment.


If you decided to create a profile in another path than CulebrONT_pipeline/profiles/CulebrONT. Don’t forget to change also the profile path in CulebrONT.sbatch.


Note that the –profile argument can be either a relative or an absolute path. In addition, snakemake will search for a corresponding folder profile_name in /etc/xdg/snakemake and in $HOME/.config/snakemake, where globally accessible profiles can be placed.


You can find the generated files when profiles are created following this documentation. IFB profile example can be found on the ̀ gift_files/CulebrONT_SLURM/` repertory on our github repository.

4. Export CulebrONT to PATH

Snakemake creates a pipeline from the config.yaml configuration file you give him (using snakemake command line directly or through the script). In any case, you need to indicate to Snakemake where CulebrONT was installed, so you can export CulebrONT to $PATH variable…

# used for script
export CULEBRONT="/path/to/CulebrONT_pipeline"

# to call script anywhere

… OR you can adapt the available module load file here or see here

5. Check install

Optionally, in order to test your install of CulebrONT pipeline, a data test called Data-Xoo-sub/ is available on Feel free to download it using wget and put it on CulebrONT directory.

cd CulebrONT_pipeline
# or go to your /home or into your favorite project
wget --no-check-certificat -rm -nH --cut-dirs=1 --reject="index.html*" --no-parent

Now, prepare the configuration file config.yaml file to indicate to CulebrONT which kind of pipeline you want to create and data location! How to create a workflow.

Using a standard Snakemake command line (HPC)

Run CulebrONT with a standard Snakemake command line using profiles like …

snakemake -p -s ${CULEBRONT}/Snakefile \
  --configfile ${config} \\
  --profile ${profile} \
# ... for a dryrun

If you want to change the number of cores or memory used on a rule. Replace --cluster-config arguments by overwriting the cluster_config.yaml file used by the profile :

snakemake -p -s ${CULEBRONT}/Snakefile \
  --configfile ${config} \
  --cluster-config ${cluster_config} \
  --profile ${profile} \

For more options go to the snakemake documentation

A list of rules names can be found in the section Rules inside CulebrONT.

Or using a script (HPC)

Optionally, you can run CulebrONT using the script. A nutshell, this script is just assembling a snakemake command line depending on the situation of the user. It can be expense of flexibility.

For example in dryrun mode using profile created by system administrator … -c config.yaml -p $profile -a "--dryrun"

OR asking more computational resources, by overwriting cluster config.yaml set by profile … -c config.yaml -p $profile -k cluster_config.yaml -a "--dryrun"

For SLURM scheduler system, a CulebrONT.sbatch sbatch script is available into our github repository. CulebrONT.sbatch needs to be adapted if you are using other job scheduling systems than SLURM (SGE, Grid middleware, or cloud computing).

#SBATCH --job-name culebrONT
#SBATCH --output slurm-%x_%j.log
#SBATCH --error slurm-%x_%j.log
#SBATCH --partition=long

# CulebrONT needs 2 global variables : CULEBRONT and PROFILE
# if a module load was created, these variables were declared before, so load this module
module load CulebrONT/1.7.0

# if you don't use module load please export these two variables like this:
#export CULEBRONT="/path/to/CulebrONT_pipeline"
#export PROFILE="/path/to/your/own/profile/"

#### Run a dry-run to verify install
# You can copy config.yaml and cluster_config.yaml from $CULEBRONT directly and edit it
# cp $CULEBRONT/config.yaml /path/to/
# cp $CULEBRONT/cluster_config.yaml /path/to/

Finally run CulebrONT !!

sbatch CulebrONT.sbatch

Rules inside CulebrONT

Please find here the rules names found in CulebrONT code. It could be useful to set threads in local running using the snakemake command or in the cluster configuration to manage cluster resources. This would save the user a painful exploration of the snakefiles code of CulebrONT.
