How to install CulebrONT ?

CulebrONT uses Python 3.7+ Snakemake 5.10.0+ and Singularity 3.10.0+ as mandatory requires. In our github repository you can find available requirements (conda and singularity containers).

In your local computer OR on HPC cluster, first of all clone our repository or download last version from

git clone
cd CulebrONT_pipeline

In order to build a pipeline, you have to adapt two files in YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) format tools_path.yaml and then config.yaml. The snakemake pipeline will then execute the set of rules executed into their own virtual environment.

For installation, you need to first modify tools_path.yaml file. You need to adapt path to singularity images. CulebrONT integrates many tools. In order to build a workflow, CulebrONT needs to know where tools are installed. You can give only tools you will use for your analysis. To avoid you to install them, we provide singularity images (one of them containing a lot of conda environments). We will explain all here!

How to build singularity images?

You have three options to obtain singularity build images. Choose one of them!

  1. Give path to singularity hub images from our CulebrONT repository. If you use singularity hub repository build singularity images will be download from the cloud :
    REPORT : 'shub://SouthGreenPlatform/CulebrONT_pipeline:report.def'
    SHASTA : 'shub://SouthGreenPlatform/CulebrONT_pipeline:shasta-0.7.0.def'
    WEESAM : 'shub://SouthGreenPlatform/CulebrONT_pipeline:weesam-latest.def'
    ASSEMBLYTICS : 'shub://SouthGreenPlatform/CulebrONT_pipeline:assemblytics-1.2.def'
    MEDAKA : 'shub://SouthGreenPlatform/CulebrONT_pipeline:medaka-gpu-1.2.def'
    BLOBTOOLS : 'shub://SouthGreenPlatform/CulebrONT_pipeline:blobtools-1.1.1.def'
    KAT: 'shub://SouthGreenPlatform/CulebrONT_pipeline:kat-latest.sif'
    BUSCO: 'shub://SouthGreenPlatform/CulebrONT_pipeline:busco-4.1.4.sif'
  1. You can build available .def recipes available on the CulebrONT_pipeline/Containers repertory. Feel free to build them on your own computer (or cluster); be careful, you need root rights to do it. Use :
cd Containers/
sudo make build

Now give to CulebrONT path from build images on tools_path.yaml such as :

    REPORT : './Containers/'
    SHASTA : './Containers/Singularity.shasta-0.7.0.sif'
    WEESAM : './Containers/Singularity.weesam-latest.sif'
    ASSEMBLYTICS : './Containers/Singularity.assemblytics-1.2.sif'
    MEDAKA : './Containers/Singularity.medaka-gpu-1.2.sif'
    KAT : './Containers/Singularity.kat-latest.sif'
    BLOBTOOLS: './Containers/Singularity.blobtools-1.1.1.sif'
    BUSCO: './Containers/Singularity.busco-4.1.4.sif'
    PILON: './Containers/Singularity.pilon-1.24.sif'
  1. Download build available singularity images from i-Trop server Use
cd CulebrONT_pipeline/Containers
wget -rm -nH --cut-dirs=2 --reject="index.html*" --no-parent


If you don’t want to use some tool, please leave the path empty. Like bellow for SHASTA and ASSEMBLYTICS and don’t remove the line of the tool PLEASE.

    REPORT : './Containers/'
    SHASTA : ''
    WEESAM : './Containers/tools/Singularity.weesam-latest.sif'
    MEDAKA : './Containers/Singularity.medaka-gpu-1.2.sif'
    BLOBTOOLS : './Containers/Singularity.bloobtools-1.1.1.sif'
    KAT: './Containers/Singularity.kat-latest.sif'
    CONDA: './Containers/Singularity.conda.sif'


A series of Conda environments are automatically build in the Singularity.conda.sif container available on itrop server. This makes installation easier. Check the Singularity.conda.def recipe to check software versions included.

HPC specifications

To install CulebrONT on a global way, we recommend to change path of required dependencies on tools_path.yaml file and and adapt the cluster_config.yaml file. We recommend use singularity images as explained before.

Module load environments are usually used on clusters. If you prefer to use them, you have to fill in the ENVMODULE part of the cluster and don’t forget to use the –use-envmodules parameter in the snakemake command line. More details here

    R : "bioinfo/R/4.0.2"
    WEESAM : "bioinfo/weeSAM/1.0"
    QUAST : "bioinfo/quast/5.0.2"
    MAUVE : "bioinfo/mauve/2.4.0"
    SHASTA : "bioinfo/shasta/0.1.0"
    ASSEMBLYTICS : "bioinfo/Assemblytics/1.0"
    MEDAKA : "bioinfo/medaka-gpu/0.10.0"

Preparing cluster_config.yaml

On cluster_config.yaml , you can add partition, memory and threads to be used by default for each rule. If more memory or threads are requested, please adapt the content of this file before running on a cluster for every rule.


you can choose –mem or –mem-per-cpu as you see fit.


please adapt the content of this file before running on a cluster for every rule !!

Here is a example of the configuration file we used on the i-Trop HPC.

    cpus-per-task : 4
    ntasks : 1
    mem-per-cpu : '2G'
    partition : "normal"
    output : 'logs/stdout/{rule}/{wildcards}'
    error : 'logs/error/{rule}/{wildcards}'

run_nanopolish :
    cpus-per-task : 12
    mem : '10G'
    partition : "long"

    cpus-per-task : 8
    mem-per-cpu : '8G'
    partition : "long"

Available data test

Optionally, in order to test install of CulebrONT pipeline, a data test Data-Xoo-sub/ is available on Feel free to download it using wget and put it on CulebrONT repertory.

cd CulebrONT_pipeline
wget -rm -nH --cut-dirs=1 --reject="index.html*" --no-parent

Now, it is time to prepare configuration file config.yaml file to say to CulebrONT what kind of pipeline you want to create and use it with your data !